Changed around line 1
+ /*
+ * This combined file was created by the DataTables downloader builder:
+ *
+ *
+ * To rebuild or modify this file with the latest versions of the included
+ * software please visit:
+ *
+ *
+ * Included libraries:
+ * DataTables 2.1.7, Buttons 3.1.2, Column visibility 3.1.2, HTML5 export 3.1.2, ColReorder 2.0.4, FixedColumns 5.0.2, FixedHeader 4.0.1, SearchBuilder 1.8.0
+ */
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+ /*
+ * Table styles
+ */
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+ /*
+ * Header and footer styles
+ */
+ /*
+ * Body styles
+ */
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+ outline: none;
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+ padding: 10px 10px 6px 10px;
+ }
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+ background-color: transparent;
+ }
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+ border-top: none;
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+ color: rgb(var(--dt-row-selected-text));
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+ color: rgb(9, 10, 11);
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+ border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
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+ }
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-stripe), 0.023);
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.923);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.923);
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px #0d6efd !important;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 1) !important;
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+ table.dataTable.order-column > tbody tr > .sorting_2,
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.019);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-column-ordering), 0.019);
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+ table.dataTable.order-column > tbody tr.selected > .sorting_2,
+ table.dataTable.order-column > tbody tr.selected > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.display > tbody tr.selected > .sorting_1,
+ table.dataTable.display > tbody tr.selected > .sorting_2,
+ table.dataTable.display > tbody tr.selected > .sorting_3 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.919);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.919);
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.054);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-column-ordering), 0.054);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) > .sorting_2 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.047);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-column-ordering), 0.047);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) > .sorting_3 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.039);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-column-ordering), 0.039);
+ }
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.954);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.954);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd).selected > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd).selected > .sorting_2 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.947);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.947);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd).selected > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd).selected > .sorting_3 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.939);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.939);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display > tbody > tr.even > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe > tbody > tr.even > .sorting_1 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.019);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-column-ordering), 0.019);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display > tbody > tr.even > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe > tbody > tr.even > .sorting_2 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.011);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-column-ordering), 0.011);
+ }
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.003);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-column-ordering), 0.003);
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.919);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.919);
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.911);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.911);
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+ table.dataTable.display > tbody > tr.even.selected > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe > tbody > tr.even.selected > .sorting_3 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.903);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.903);
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.082);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-hover), 0.082);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover > .sorting_2 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.074);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-hover), 0.074);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover > .sorting_3 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.062);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-hover), 0.062);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_1 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.982);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.982);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_2 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.974);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.974);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_3 {
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.962);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.962);
+ }
+ table.dataTable.compact thead th,
+ table.dataTable.compact thead td,
+ table.dataTable.compact tfoot th,
+ table.dataTable.compact tfoot td,
+ table.dataTable.compact tbody th,
+ table.dataTable.compact tbody td {
+ padding: 4px;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-row {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ align-items: center;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin: 0.75em 0;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-row div.dt-layout-cell {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ align-items: center;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-row div.dt-layout-cell.dt-layout-start {
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ margin-right: auto;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-row div.dt-layout-cell.dt-layout-end {
+ justify-content: flex-end;
+ margin-left: auto;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-row div.dt-layout-cell:empty {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ @media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-row:not(.dt-layout-table) {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-row:not(.dt-layout-table) div.dt-layout-cell {
+ display: block;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-row:not(.dt-layout-table) div.dt-layout-cell > * {
+ margin: 0.5em 0;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-row:not(.dt-layout-table) div.dt-layout-cell.dt-layout-start {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-row:not(.dt-layout-table) div.dt-layout-cell.dt-layout-end {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-start > *:not(:last-child) {
+ margin-right: 1em;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-end > *:not(:first-child) {
+ margin-left: 1em;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-full {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-full > *:only-child {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-table > div {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+ @media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-start > *:not(:last-child) {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+ div.dt-container div.dt-layout-end > *:not(:first-child) {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Control feature layout
+ */
+ div.dt-container {
+ position: relative;
+ clear: both;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dt-search input {
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ color: inherit;
+ margin-left: 3px;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dt-input {
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ color: inherit;
+ }
+ div.dt-container select.dt-input {
+ padding: 4px;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ display: inline-block;
+ min-width: 1.5em;
+ padding: 0.5em 1em;
+ margin-left: 2px;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none !important;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ color: inherit !important;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ background: transparent;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button.current, div.dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button.current:hover {
+ color: inherit !important;
+ border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
+ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, rgba(230, 230, 230, 0.05)), color-stop(100%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05))); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
+ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(230, 230, 230, 0.05) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
+ background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(230, 230, 230, 0.05) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
+ background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(230, 230, 230, 0.05) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 100%); /* IE10+ */
+ background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(230, 230, 230, 0.05) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(230, 230, 230, 0.05) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 100%); /* W3C */
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button.disabled, div.dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button.disabled:hover, div.dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button.disabled:active {
+ cursor: default;
+ color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ background: transparent;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button:hover {
+ color: white !important;
+ border: 1px solid #111;
+ background-color: #111;
+ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #585858), color-stop(100%, #111)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
+ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #585858 0%, #111 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
+ background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #585858 0%, #111 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
+ background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #585858 0%, #111 100%); /* IE10+ */
+ background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #585858 0%, #111 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #585858 0%, #111 100%); /* W3C */
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button:active {
+ outline: none;
+ background-color: #0c0c0c;
+ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #2b2b2b), color-stop(100%, #0c0c0c)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
+ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #2b2b2b 0%, #0c0c0c 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
+ background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #2b2b2b 0%, #0c0c0c 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
+ background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #2b2b2b 0%, #0c0c0c 100%); /* IE10+ */
+ background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #2b2b2b 0%, #0c0c0c 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #2b2b2b 0%, #0c0c0c 100%); /* W3C */
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px #111;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dt-paging .ellipsis {
+ padding: 0 1em;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dt-length,
+ div.dt-container .dt-search,
+ div.dt-container .dt-info,
+ div.dt-container .dt-processing,
+ div.dt-container .dt-paging {
+ color: inherit;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dataTables_scroll {
+ clear: both;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dataTables_scroll div.dt-scroll-body {
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dataTables_scroll div.dt-scroll-body > table > thead > tr > th, div.dt-container .dataTables_scroll div.dt-scroll-body > table > thead > tr > td, div.dt-container .dataTables_scroll div.dt-scroll-body > table > tbody > tr > th, div.dt-container .dataTables_scroll div.dt-scroll-body > table > tbody > tr > td {
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ div.dt-container .dataTables_scroll div.dt-scroll-body > table > thead > tr > th > div.dataTables_sizing,
+ div.dt-container .dataTables_scroll div.dt-scroll-body > table > thead > tr > td > div.dataTables_sizing, div.dt-container .dataTables_scroll div.dt-scroll-body > table > tbody > tr > th > div.dataTables_sizing,
+ div.dt-container .dataTables_scroll div.dt-scroll-body > table > tbody > tr > td > div.dataTables_sizing {
+ height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ margin: 0 !important;
+ padding: 0 !important;
+ }
+ div.dt-container.dt-empty-footer tbody > tr:last-child > * {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ }
+ div.dt-container.dt-empty-footer .dt-scroll-body {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ }
+ div.dt-container.dt-empty-footer .dt-scroll-body tbody > tr:last-child > * {
+ border-bottom: none;
+ }
+ html.dark {
+ --dt-row-hover: 255, 255, 255;
+ --dt-row-stripe: 255, 255, 255;
+ --dt-column-ordering: 255, 255, 255;
+ }
+ html.dark table.dataTable > thead > tr > th,
+ html.dark table.dataTable > thead > tr > td {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(89, 91, 94);
+ }
+ html.dark table.dataTable > thead > tr > th:active,
+ html.dark table.dataTable > thead > tr > td:active {
+ outline: none;
+ }
+ html.dark table.dataTable > tfoot > tr > th,
+ html.dark table.dataTable > tfoot > tr > td {
+ border-top: 1px solid rgb(89, 91, 94);
+ }
+ html.dark table.dataTable.row-border > tbody > tr > *, html.dark table.dataTable.display > tbody > tr > * {
+ border-top: 1px solid rgb(64, 67, 70);
+ }
+ html.dark table.dataTable.row-border > tbody > tr:first-child > *, html.dark table.dataTable.display > tbody > tr:first-child > * {
+ border-top: none;
+ }
+ html.dark table.dataTable.row-border > tbody > tr.selected + tr.selected > td, html.dark table.dataTable.display > tbody > tr.selected + tr.selected > td {
+ border-top-color: rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.65);
+ border-top-color: rgba(var(--dt-row-selected), 0.65);
+ }
+ html.dark table.dataTable.cell-border > tbody > tr > th,
+ html.dark table.dataTable.cell-border > tbody > tr > td {
+ border-top: 1px solid rgb(64, 67, 70);
+ border-right: 1px solid rgb(64, 67, 70);
+ }
+ html.dark table.dataTable.cell-border > tbody > tr > th:first-child,
+ html.dark table.dataTable.cell-border > tbody > tr > td:first-child {
+ border-left: 1px solid rgb(64, 67, 70);
+ }
+ html.dark .dt-container.dt-empty-footer table.dataTable {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(89, 91, 94);
+ }
+ html.dark .dt-container .dt-search input,
+ html.dark .dt-container .dt-length select {
+ border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
+ background-color: var(--dt-html-background);
+ }
+ html.dark .dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button.current, html.dark .dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button.current:hover {
+ border: 1px solid rgb(89, 91, 94);
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);
+ }
+ html.dark .dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button.disabled, html.dark .dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button.disabled:hover, html.dark .dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button.disabled:active {
+ color: #666 !important;
+ }
+ html.dark .dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button:hover {
+ border: 1px solid rgb(53, 53, 53);
+ background: rgb(53, 53, 53);
+ }
+ html.dark .dt-container .dt-paging .dt-paging-button:active {
+ background: #3a3a3a;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Overrides for RTL support
+ */
+ *[dir=rtl] table.dataTable thead th,
+ *[dir=rtl] table.dataTable thead td,
+ *[dir=rtl] table.dataTable tfoot th,
+ *[dir=rtl] table.dataTable tfoot td {
+ text-align: right;
+ }
+ *[dir=rtl] table.dataTable th.dt-type-numeric, *[dir=rtl] table.dataTable th.dt-type-date,
+ *[dir=rtl] table.dataTable td.dt-type-numeric,
+ *[dir=rtl] table.dataTable td.dt-type-date {
+ text-align: left;
+ }
+ *[dir=rtl] div.dt-container div.dt-layout-cell.dt-start {
+ text-align: right;
+ }
+ *[dir=rtl] div.dt-container div.dt-layout-cell.dt-end {
+ text-align: left;
+ }
+ *[dir=rtl] div.dt-container div.dt-search input {
+ margin: 0 3px 0 0;
+ }
+ @keyframes dtb-spinner {
+ 100% {
+ transform: rotate(360deg);
+ }
+ }
+ @-o-keyframes dtb-spinner {
+ 100% {
+ -o-transform: rotate(360deg);
+ transform: rotate(360deg);
+ }
+ }
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+ 100% {
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+ transform: rotate(360deg);
+ }
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+ @-webkit-keyframes dtb-spinner {
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
+ transform: rotate(360deg);
+ }
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+ 100% {
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+ transform: rotate(360deg);
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+ div.dataTables_wrapper {
+ position: relative;
+ }
+ div.dt-buttons {
+ position: initial;
+ }
+ div.dt-buttons .dt-button {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-info {
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 50%;
+ left: 50%;
+ width: 400px;
+ margin-top: -100px;
+ margin-left: -200px;
+ background-color: white;
+ border-radius: 0.75em;
+ box-shadow: 3px 4px 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
+ text-align: center;
+ z-index: 2003;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-info h2 {
+ padding: 2rem 2rem 1rem 2rem;
+ margin: 0;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-info > div {
+ padding: 1em 2em 2em 2em;
+ }
+ div.dtb-popover-close {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 6px;
+ right: 6px;
+ width: 22px;
+ height: 22px;
+ text-align: center;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ z-index: 2003;
+ }
+ button.dtb-hide-drop {
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection-title {
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 0.3em 0.5em 0.5em;
+ margin-left: 0.5em;
+ margin-right: 0.5em;
+ font-size: 0.9em;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection-title:empty {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ span.dt-button-spacer {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin: 0.5em;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ }
+ {
+ border-left: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ padding-left: 0.5em;
+ }
+ {
+ height: 1em;
+ width: 1px;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection .dt-button-active {
+ padding-right: 3em;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection .dt-button-active:after {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ margin-top: -10px;
+ right: 1em;
+ display: inline-block;
+ content: "✓";
+ color: inherit;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection .dt-button-active.dt-button-split {
+ padding-right: 0;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection .dt-button-active.dt-button-split:after {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection .dt-button-active.dt-button-split > *:first-child {
+ padding-right: 3em;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection .dt-button-active.dt-button-split > *:first-child:after {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ margin-top: -10px;
+ right: 1em;
+ display: inline-block;
+ content: "✓";
+ color: inherit;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection .dt-button-active-a a {
+ padding-right: 3em;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection .dt-button-active-a a:after {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 1em;
+ display: inline-block;
+ content: "✓";
+ color: inherit;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection span.dt-button-spacer {
+ width: 100%;
+ font-size: 0.9em;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin: 0.5em 0;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection span.dt-button-spacer:empty {
+ height: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection {
+ border-left: none;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+ padding-left: 0;
+ }
+ @media print {
+ table.dataTable tr > * {
+ box-shadow: none !important;
+ }
+ }
+ html.dark div.dt-button-info {
+ background-color: var(--dt-html-background);
+ border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);
+ }
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+ div.dt-buttons > div.dt-button-split .dt-button {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ margin-left: 0.167em;
+ margin-right: 0.167em;
+ margin-bottom: 0.333em;
+ padding: 0.5em 1em;
+ border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ font-size: 0.88em;
+ line-height: 1.6em;
+ color: inherit;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: hidden;
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+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ outline: none;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
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+ div.dt-buttons > .dt-button:first-child,
+ div.dt-buttons > div.dt-button-split .dt-button:first-child {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ div.dt-buttons > .dt-button.disabled,
+ div.dt-buttons > div.dt-button-split .dt-button.disabled {
+ cursor: default;
+ opacity: 0.4;
+ }
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+ box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 3px #999999;
+ }
+ div.dt-buttons > .dt-button.dt-button-active:not(.disabled):hover:not(.disabled),
+ div.dt-buttons > div.dt-button-split .dt-button.dt-button-active:not(.disabled):hover:not(.disabled) {
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+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); /* Fallback */
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+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,StartColorStr="rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1)", EndColorStr="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)");
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+ div.dt-buttons > .dt-button:hover,
+ div.dt-buttons > div.dt-button-split .dt-button:hover {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ }
+ div.dt-buttons > .dt-button:hover:not(.disabled),
+ div.dt-buttons > div.dt-button-split .dt-button:hover:not(.disabled) {
+ border: 1px solid #666;
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); /* Fallback */
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.1) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 100%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,StartColorStr="rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.1)", EndColorStr="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)");
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+ div.dt-buttons > div.dt-button-split .dt-button:focus:not(.disabled) {
+ outline: 2px solid rgb(53, 132, 228);
+ }
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+ div.dt-buttons > div.dt-button-split .dt-button embed {
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+ border-right: 1px solid #666;
+ }
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+ border-left: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ }
+ div.dt-buttons > div.dt-button-split .dt-button:last-child:hover {
+ border-left: 1px solid #666;
+ }
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+ position: relative;
+ top: -2px;
+ font-size: 10px;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ opacity: 0.6;
+ }
+ div.dt-buttons div.dt-button-split {
+ display: inline-block;
+ }
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+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
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+ margin-left: -1px;
+ padding-left: 0.75em;
+ padding-right: 0.75em;
+ z-index: 2;
+ }
+ div.dt-buttons div.dt-button-split .dt-button:last-child span {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ }
+ div.dt-button-collection {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 200px;
+ margin-top: 3px;
+ margin-bottom: 3px;
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+ html.dark div.dtsb-searchBuilder button.dtsb-button,
+ html.dark div.dtsb-searchBuilder select.dtsb-dropDown,
+ html.dark div.dtsb-searchBuilder input.dtsb-input {
+ background-color: rgb(66, 69, 73) !important;
+ color-scheme: dark;
+ }
+ html.dark div.dtsb-searchBuilder button.dtsb-button {
+ border: 1px solid rgb(89, 91, 94);
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);
+ }
+ html.dark div.dtsb-searchBuilder button.dtsb-button:hover {
+ background: rgba(179, 179, 179, 0.15);
+ }
+ html.dark div.dtsb-searchBuilder div.dtsb-logicContainer {
+ border: 1px solid rgb(89, 91, 94);
+ }
+ html.dark div.dtsb-searchBuilder .dtsb-greyscale {
+ border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) !important;
+ }