Changed around line 172: id Unique ID. Required. Reported to the frame. "do-yoink"
+ # Frame manifest caching
+ Farcaster clients may cache the frame manifest when scraping embeds, but should provide a mechanism for refreshing the manifest file.
+ # Frame UI Specifications
+ Header A header is rendered above the frame and includes the name and author which must be specified in the manifest. The header is rendered whenever the app frame is launched.
+ Splash Screen A splash screen is shown as soon as the app is launched and the icon and background must be specified in the frame manifest or embed meta tags. The frame can hide the splash screen once loading is complete.
+ Size & Orientation A frame should be rendered in a vertical modal. Mobile frame sizes will be dictated by device dimensions while web frame sizes will be set to 424x695px.
+ # Client SDK API
+ code
+ type LaunchContext =
+ | CastEmbedLaunchContext
+ | NotificationLaunchContext
+ code
+ > Farcaster.context.location
+ {
+ type: "cast_embed",
+ cast: {
+ fid: 3621,
+ hash: "0xa2fbef8c8e4d00d8f84ff45f9763b8bae2c5c544",
+ text: "New Yoink just dropped:",
+ embeds: [""]
+ }
+ }
+ code
+ type Cast = {
+ fid: number;
+ hash: string;
+ text: string;
+ embeds: string[];
+ mentions: Mention[];
+ };
+ type CastEmbedLaunchContext = {
+ type: 'cast_embed';
+ cast: Cast;
+ };
+ # Notification
+ > Farcaster.context.location
+ {
+ type: "notification",
+ notification: {
+ title: "Yoinked!",
+ body: "horsefacts captured the flag from you.",
+ id: "f7e9ebaf-92f0-43b9-a410-ad8c24f3333b"
+ }
+ }
+ code
+ type NotificationLaunchContext = {
+ type: 'notification';
+ notification: {
+ title: string;
+ body: string;
+ id: string;
+ };
+ };
+ # context user
+ code
+ type User = {
+ fid: number;
+ username?: string;
+ displayName?: string;
+ pfp?: string;
+ bio?: string;
+ location?: {
+ placeId: string;
+ description: string;
+ },
+ custodyAddress: string;
+ verifiedAddresses: {
+ ethereum: string[];
+ solana: string[];
+ }
+ connectedAccounts: {
+ platform: string;
+ username: string;
+ }[];
+ };