Changed around line 1
- theme roboto
- Hello World my name is
+ theme gazette
+ tableSearch
+ concepts
+ printTable
+ blockHeightParser
+ extends abstractIdParser
+ description The sequential block number in the blockchain
+ blockHashParser
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Unique cryptographic hash identifying the block
+ timestampParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description Unix timestamp when the block was created
+ gasPriceParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description Gas price in yoctoNEAR for transactions in this block
+ totalSupplyParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description Total NEAR supply at this block in yoctoNEAR
+ numTransactionsParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description Number of transactions in this block
+ sizeBytesParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description Size of the block in bytes
+ validatorParser
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Validator that produced this block
+ epochIdParser
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Identifier for the current epoch
+ stateRootParser
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Hash of the state root after this block
+ // data
+ blockHeight 102834567
+ blockHash 4xNmo5dX7Jcu8DZrEGptND99gQjvxkmxJUn2fJvZe2TM
+ timestamp 1699892345
+ gasPrice 100000000
+ totalSupply 1020345678900000000000000000
+ numTransactions 156
+ sizeBytes 234567
+ validator nearkat.poolv1.near
+ epochId 5fEbjN1Qj6DyVmNE9wjXR8Qb2kH7ZetK
+ stateRoot GH4x8DpJ2TC7vYy9PLvqRm3BsqwkZeUx1c3x2FSM
+ blockHeight 102834568
+ blockHash 7yPmo2dX9Kcu5DZrEFptND88gQjvxkmxJUn1gKvZe4TN
+ timestamp 1699892347
+ gasPrice 100000000
+ totalSupply 1020345678900000000000000000
+ numTransactions 203
+ sizeBytes 345678
+ validator aurora.poolv1.near
+ epochId 5fEbjN1Qj6DyVmNE9wjXR8Qb2kH7ZetK
+ stateRoot KL4x8DpJ2TC7vYy9PLvqRm3BsqwkZeUx1c3x2FSN
+ blockHeight 102834569
+ blockHash 9xKmo3dX8Lcu4DZrEHptND77gQjvxkmxJUn3hLvZe6TP
+ timestamp 1699892349
+ gasPrice 100000000
+ totalSupply 1020345678900000000000000000
+ numTransactions 178
+ sizeBytes 256789
+ validator metapool.poolv1.near
+ epochId 5fEbjN1Qj6DyVmNE9wjXR8Qb2kH7ZetK
+ stateRoot MN4x8DpJ2TC7vYy9PLvqRm3BsqwkZeUx1c3x2FSP
+ blockHeight 102834570
+ blockHash 2xJmo4dX6Mcu3DZrEJptND66gQjvxkmxJUn4iMvZe8TQ
+ timestamp 1699892351
+ gasPrice 100000000
+ totalSupply 1020345678900000000000000000
+ numTransactions 189
+ sizeBytes 289012
+ validator stakin.poolv1.near
+ epochId 5fEbjN1Qj6DyVmNE9wjXR8Qb2kH7ZetK
+ stateRoot PQ4x8DpJ2TC7vYy9PLvqRm3BsqwkZeUx1c3x2FSR
+ blockHeight 102834571
+ blockHash 5xHmo6dX4Ncu2DZrEKptND55gQjvxkmxJUn5jNvZe9TR
+ timestamp 1699892353
+ gasPrice 100000000
+ totalSupply 1020345678900000000000000000
+ numTransactions 167
+ sizeBytes 267345
+ validator chorus-one.poolv1.near
+ epochId 5fEbjN1Qj6DyVmNE9wjXR8Qb2kH7ZetK
+ stateRoot ST4x8DpJ2TC7vYy9PLvqRm3BsqwkZeUx1c3x2FST
+ blockHeight 102834572
+ blockHash 8xGmo7dX3Pcu1DZrELptND44gQjvxkmxJUn6kPvZe0TU
+ timestamp 1699892355
+ gasPrice 100000000
+ totalSupply 1020345678900000000000000000
+ numTransactions 198
+ sizeBytes 298678
+ validator p2p.poolv1.near
+ epochId 5fEbjN1Qj6DyVmNE9wjXR8Qb2kH7ZetK
+ stateRoot UV4x8DpJ2TC7vYy9PLvqRm3BsqwkZeUx1c3x2FSV
+ blockHeight 102834573
+ blockHash 1xFmo8dX2Qcu0DZrEMptND33gQjvxkmxJUn7lQvZe1TV
+ timestamp 1699892357
+ gasPrice 100000000
+ totalSupply 1020345678900000000000000000
+ numTransactions 145
+ sizeBytes 245901
+ validator astro-stakers.poolv1.near
+ epochId 5fEbjN1Qj6DyVmNE9wjXR8Qb2kH7ZetK
+ stateRoot WX4x8DpJ2TC7vYy9PLvqRm3BsqwkZeUx1c3x2FSX
+ blockHeight 102834574
+ blockHash 3xEmo9dX1Rcu9DZrENptND22gQjvxkmxJUn8mRvZe2TW
+ timestamp 1699892359
+ gasPrice 100000000
+ totalSupply 1020345678900000000000000000
+ numTransactions 167
+ sizeBytes 278234
+ validator fresh.poolv1.near
+ epochId 5fEbjN1Qj6DyVmNE9wjXR8Qb2kH7ZetK
+ stateRoot YZ4x8DpJ2TC7vYy9PLvqRm3BsqwkZeUx1c3x2FSY
+ blockHeight 102834575
+ blockHash 6xDmo0dX0Scu8DZrEOptND11gQjvxkmxJUn9nSvZe3TX
+ timestamp 1699892361
+ gasPrice 100000000
+ totalSupply 1020345678900000000000000000
+ numTransactions 187
+ sizeBytes 289567
+ validator nodeasy.poolv1.near
+ epochId 5fEbjN1Qj6DyVmNE9wjXR8Qb2kH7ZetK
+ stateRoot AB4x8DpJ2TC7vYy9PLvqRm3BsqwkZeUx1c3x2FSZ
+ blockHeight 102834576
+ blockHash 9xCmo1dX9Tcu7DZrEPptND00gQjvxkmxJUn0oTvZe4TY
+ timestamp 1699892363
+ gasPrice 100000000
+ totalSupply 1020345678900000000000000000
+ numTransactions 176
+ sizeBytes 267890
+ validator everstake.poolv1.near
+ epochId 5fEbjN1Qj6DyVmNE9wjXR8Qb2kH7ZetK
+ stateRoot CD4x8DpJ2TC7vYy9PLvqRm3BsqwkZeUx1c3x2FSA