Changed around line 1
- tags All
- // Tags are like categories
- title My First Post
- // The title of your blog post
- header.scroll
- // Include the header
- container 600px
- // Generate a narrowish container to hold the blog contents
- // Blog post test goes here
- This is my first blog post using Scroll.
- ****
- // A common decoration to indicate the end of a post
- footer.scroll
- // Include the footer
+ tags All
+ // Tags are like categories
+ title My Blog Post
+ // The title of your blog post
+ header.scroll
+ // Include the header
+ container 600px
+ // Generate a narrowish container to hold the blog contents
+ // Blog post test goes here
+ This is my first blog post using Scroll.
+ ****
+ // A common decoration to indicate the end of a post
+ footer.scroll
+ // Include the footer