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2 months ago
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Transform Your Sales With AI-Powered Intelligence


Record, analyze, and optimize every sales interaction with Kahuna's intelligent platform


Key Features


Smart Recording


Automatically capture and transcribe every sales conversation


Performance Analytics


Get instant feedback and actionable insights


AI Follow-up


Automate lead nurturing and close more deals


Smart Dashboard


Track performance and revenue in real-time


Why Choose Kahuna


30% More Closes


AI-powered follow-up increases conversion rates


Save 5 Hours/Week


Automated documentation and follow-up


100% Coverage


Never miss another sales opportunity


Simple Pricing



  • Up to 3 users
  • +
  • 50 recordings/month
  • +
  • Basic analytics
  • +
  • Email support
  • +


    • Up to 10 users
    • +
    • 200 recordings/month
    • +
    • Advanced analytics
    • +
    • Priority support
    • +


      • Unlimited users
      • +
      • Unlimited recordings
      • +
      • Custom integration
      • +
      • 24/7 support
      • +






        + API
        Changed around line 1
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        + #
        + Website generated by Claude from prompt: I want a website for my SAAS called Kahuna. Kahuna is an AI-powered performance tool that revolutionizes sales by recording meetings, transcribing conversations, and transforming them into actionable data. During a sales interaction, Kahuna captures every detail, including customer objections, interests, and next steps, and generates a dynamic report with performance feedback for the salesperson. This data is seamlessly integrated into Kahuna’s follow-up system, which uses conversational AI to engage unclosed leads, schedule follow-ups, or close deals directly by sending payment links and finalizing details. Sales teams can access an intuitive dashboard to track unsold revenue, monitor active follow-ups, and identify areas for improvement. By combining meeting insights with intelligent follow-up, Kahuna enhances sales team performance and ensures every opportunity is maximized.
        Changed around line 1
        + document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
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        Changed around line 1
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